Grade School Assessments
State Required Assessments:
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
yearly state assessment for 3rd-8th grade students
Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS)
yearly state survey to gauge students' abilities when entering Kindergarten
Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment (DLM-AA)
yearly state assessment for students without the ability to take the IAR
English Language Learner Assessments:
Wida Screener-state screener for new ELL students
ACCESS-\yYearly state assessment for ELL students
Universal Assessments:
AIMS Web Plus-all students K-8th grade are given the benchmark assessment 3 times a year.
Next Step Guided Reading Assessment-K-4th grade students are assessed with this program to find their reading level and monitor progress.
Middle School Assessments
State Required Assessments:
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
yearly state assessment for 3rd-8th grade students
Illiois Science Assessment (ISA)
yearly science assessment for 5th & 8th grade students
Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment (DLM-AA)
yearly state assessment for students without the ability to take the IAR
English Language Learner Assessments:
Wida Screener-state screener for new ELL students
ACCESS-\yYearly state assessment for ELL students
Universal Assessments:
AIMS Web Plus-all students K-8th grade are given the benchmark assessment 3 times a year.
NWEA Measures of Academic Progress-6th & 7th grade students take this assessment for placement into advanced classes at the 7th & 8th grade levels